Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Featured Booth: Izaak Walton League of America

Izaak Walton League of America

This group was formed in 1922 to save outdoor America for future generations. Their mission is to conserve, maintain, protect, and restore the soil, forest, water and other natural resources of the United States and other lands. They also promote means and opportunites for the education of the public with respect to such resources and their enjoyment and wholesome utilization.

You can learn more about his organization by visiting them at our event. They will be handing out free trees for you to plant! Also visit the Izaak Walton League website at:

Featured Booth: PATH Group

Manchester PATH Group

Pedestrians/Pedalers/Paddlers Advocating for Trails and Health

The Manchester PATH Group is looking to connect the community through safe and accessible paths.

Featured Booth: Joyfield Farm

Joyfield Farm

Located 5 miles northeast of North Manchester

Cliff and Arlene Kindy started Joyfield Farm in 1983. This organic farm is an island in the midst of traditional farming. The Kindy's work at sustainability and protecting the water and soil quality at and around their farm. Joyfield is also used as an educational opportunity for interns during the summer months. The farm has also been gasoline free for 10 years. They entire farm is manually prepared for planting and harvesting.